WP1 will identify initial properties of tomato and Brassica raw material and waste fractions. This will help focus attention on possible improvements to biomass both for food processing purposes and side streams that could be achieved through post-harvest actions. HBPC levels in tomato prior to and after normal harvest time will be assessed to identify potential improvements by adjusting current harvest practice and elicitor treatment.
The development and calibration of non-destructive optical tools for assessing important HBPC in tomato and Brassica is innovative, can replace expensive destructive analyses, and can facilitate rapid distinction of how to best utilize vegetable raw material or waste fractions.
A guideline strategy for increasing health value and economic value in tomato and Brassica will be developed based on the work in WP1.
Practical application of colour chart used in Norway for harvest of round greenhouse tomatoes, above, and cherry tomatoes, below.